by Gabrielius:
When Els was pregnant with the twins, I proposed to her, in the hospital… Not the most romantic place you would think, but I will explain you.
I was actually planning to propose to her on Christmas eve, while unpacking the presents. I bought a nice ring, packed it and put it under the Christmas tree along with the rest of the presents. But….Els got hospitalized on the day before Christmas! Because our twins are identical it means they shared a placenta. That could be risky for their development so they were under close supervision of the doctors. The doctors saw something unusual so Els had to stay in the hospital. When I went home to pack stuff of course I also took the ring, because it looked like we were going to spent Christmas in the hospital. Christmas in the hospital!!! So I proposed to her there, and maybe the environment was not that romantic, still it was really special to us, because we were together, and that was all that counted!
Luckily we could all leave the hospital the same evening.
How little did we know at that point what was laying ahead of us, we were not thinking at all to move to Lithuania so of course we also didn’t know that we would marry there. How we came to the point of moving Els will tell you in a separate blog. I just wanted to tell about our wedding 🙂
Well but maybe I should let the pictures tell the story, as you can see, it was a beautiful day, the 23th of september, it was warm and sunny. Unfortunately only my family could be present, none of Els family or friends were there, so that is why we kept it really small. And we are planning to give party at our new home, the beautiful forest of Pakalniškiai
The moments of our day…