On my last post I got a lot of comments to please write in English.. Although Dutch is more comfortable for me, I also really like it when people want to read our story, so I will do my best!

When we came here in September, we packed all our stuff in the Netherlands, and made our house ready to be sold. But the most important thing, we didn’t do yet, and that was officially buying the house in the forest. We agreed with the owners everything, but only verbally, we didn’t sign any agreement. In Dutch there is some saying that you should not throw away your old shoes before you have new ones, but that was exactly what we did. And again also this was not planned because first we didn’t want to sell the house in Eindhoven and I was trying to rent it. But due to all kind of regulations and conditions that was not really possible. And keeping the house only for the ‘just in case’ scenario also didn’t feel right; we started this adventure in Lithuania and could not stay attached to our ‘old life’ in Eindhoven. And everything felt good, we were in good contact with the owners and we both felt that this was our way to go.

So the house in the forest had three owners, three children of the couple who build the house in 1960. They had a farm there and after they died, none of these children could or wanted to live there. The house and barn were full of stuff and we agreed with the owners that they would clean everything. And there was a lot of stuff… I was surprised how much was fitting in the house and barn. A lot was rubbish, but there were also many interesting old stuff. For me it was like an antique marked, and many things I put back into the barn because I wanted to keep them. The family and friends of the owners worked many weeks to clean everything, and still they were not finished when we were going to buy it. So we agreed that one of the owners was going to stay in the barn to finish everything. Many times he told us about the special energy there and that he could sleep so well there so I think he just was not ready to say goodbye yet.

And then the moment was finally there that we could go to the notary to buy the house! The three owners, Gabrielius, I and a translator for me were sitting in a small room at the notary. It took a long time because we all needed to sign every page of all the agreements for everybody. And then we found out there was a mistake in it and we had to do it all over again. One of the owners was emotional during this moment and she told us that is was hard for her to say goodbye to the house where she grew up. Her parents always took good care of the house and farm, it was always really nice there with a lot of flowers. But in the year that nobody was living there the house got into disrepair. I told her, and her brothers, that we were really happy and grateful that we are able to go to live in such a beautiful and special place and that we are planning to make it into a lovely and happy home again. And that is exactly what we want to do. Because besides making it into a yoga place and share it with others, we want to make it into a loving home for our little family; the place where Rytas and Vakaris will grow up.
Hallo Gabrielius en Els,
Wat bijzonder wat jullie allemaal meemaken en dat jullie dat met ons willen delen.
Het ziet er uit als een sprookje maar dat is het voor jullie ook. Wat een prachtige plek om te wonen en zoals jullie al zeggen, als het goed voelt moet je het gewoon doen.
Ik wens jullie ontzettend veel liefde en geluk op die prachtige plek in Litouwen en hoop nog veel verhalen over jullie te kunnen lezen. Ik wens jullie met jullie zonen dan ook alle geluk voor de toekomst.
veel groeten, Maria Kemps
Good to hear from you Maria! Thank you for all your wishes!